Science Videos created by SAfG Staff
Stay hands-on with our easy-to-do STEM mini-lessons using household items!
Lunch in Space - Design a meal that astronauts can eat in space!
String Rockets - Make a rocket with string and cardboard. How do you make it go fast? (Written lesson here)
Flower Dissection - Dissect a flower and identify its parts! (Written lesson here)
Bean Germination - Learn how to see a bean start to sprout without using soil! (Written lesson here)
Water Cycle Model - Learn about the different stages in the Water Cycle and then make your own mini-model! (Written lesson here)
Make an Anemometer - Learn how to make your own anemometer (a-nuh-MOM-uh-ter) at home to measure wind speed! (Written lesson here)
Engineer a Catapult - Be an engineer and build two different model of catapults to launch small objects through the air!
Simple Bird Feeders - Learn how to make three different types of bird feeders to help you observe birds!
Homemade Kinetic Sand - Make your own batch of “kinetic sand” with a few simple kitchen ingredients!
Simple Homemade Fossils - Use coffee grounds, coffee, flour and salt to make your own fossils!
Scientific Journals with Leaf Rubbings - Make beautiful artwork with just leaves, crayons and paper and then turn that artwork into a scientific journal!
Make a Black Light - Learn how to make a light similar to a black light with just a flashlight, tape and a blue and purple permanent marker!
Levitating Objects - Make certain objects levitate with just your breath! Learn how to do this “magic trick” with just paper, tape, and a bendy straw!