Science at Home

Enjoy these STEM Projects, Projects, Videos and Resources for K-6th grade girls and boys!

  • Stop Gelatin Meltdowns: Learn Which Fruits to Avoid

    Why are some fruits, such as pineapple, not recommended for gelatin? These fruits contain enzymes that prevent gelatin from solidifying. In this project, you will investigate whether these enzymes hinder gelatin's solidification and find ways to include these fruits without ruining your dessert. It's an experiment with tasty results!

  • Make Popping Boba Balls Out of Your Drinks

    Forget drinking your juice. Instead, try snacking on it! Use the steps and recipes in this food science project to transform drinks into semi-solid balls that pop in your mouth. The technique is called spherification and it is part of a larger food science trend called molecular gastronomybut we just call it yummy science!

  • Terysa Solves It - Coding Adventure

    In these fun and educational videos, young learners will have a blast mastering coding concepts while dancing along to the rhythm!

  • Science Videos made by SAfG Staff

    Stay hands-on with our easy-to-do STEM mini-lessons using household items!

  • Circular Reasoning: Finding Pi

    Examine circular objects and see what you can discover about their sizes. As you explore, you might be surprised at how useful the results can be—maybe it will inspire you to save up for a bike with bigger wheels!

  • Dancing Boxes

    Transform an ordinary cardboard box into a dancing toy! In this activity by The Exploratorium, playfully explore 4 bar linkages by taking advantage of the shape and structure of a thin cardboard box.

  • Simple STEM Activities

    Check out more videos of fun STEM activities and projects!

  • Coding? It's child's play

    Play the SAfG Coding Board Game!

  • Play Microscopya!

    Microscopya is a science video game exploring the inside of the cell! Featuring hand-drawn illustrations and puzzles based on real scientific concepts, the game aims to highlight the depth, complexity, and beauty of what makes life possible.

  • Storytime Science

    View our list of storybook reading videos and websites with free storybook readings!

  • STEM Websites & Shows for Kids

    View our list of recommended STEM-related websites and shows!

  • Daily STEM Challenges

    Can you complete one of our STEM Challenges everyday? How many will you do?

  • STEM Museums & Other Organizations

    Find out about all the of Bay Area STEM museums

  • Mission Unstoppable with Miranda Cosgrove

    Be inspired by female STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) superstars in leading fields including social media, entertainment, animals, design, and the internet.

  • Get Inspired with AstraFemina

    Access inspirational videos, powerful stories and STEM resources by AstraFemina.

  • STEM Quick Wins

    A library of free, relevant science, technology, engineering, and math activities that can be done at home or other locations with easily accessible materials.

  • Howtosmile

    An online collection of math and science activities available to anyone, free of charge.

From our “Flower Dissection” Lesson

From our “Flower Dissection” Lesson

Watch SciGirls episodes to learn more about topics like Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM)!

Watch SciGirls episodes to learn more about topics like Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM)!

You can watch astronauts read story books in space like Ada Twist, Scientist

You can watch astronauts read story books in space like Ada Twist, Scientist

From Grace’s Science Place video about color changing flowers and celery!

From Grace’s Science Place video about color changing flowers and celery!

This second grader participated in our STEM Challenge and drew her favorite flower, a sunflower!

This second grader participated in our STEM Challenge and drew her favorite flower, a sunflower!


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Click on the picture below to see our weekly email content! Each email contains a weekly plan for all our Science At Home resources.